7 Caere Applications 10 Setup Complete 11 Setup has finished copying files to your computer. 13 Scan Manager 4.0 14 Insert disk #1 16 Scanner Selection 17 Select the scanner that you will be using. 18 Copying program files ... 19 Installation complete. 20 This program requires VGA or better monitor resolution. 21 There is not enough space available on the disk\n 22 Please free up some disk space or change the target location\nto a different disk. 23 You must close the Control Panel before reinstalling the Scan Manager. 24 Unable to create a directory under 25 Please check write access to this directory. 26 General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again.\n\nError Number: 27 \nRelated File: 28 0 29 Select Scanner 30 Installing Scan Manager 4.0 31 Setup 32 Please insert Scan Manager Disk # 37 A newer version of the Caere Scan Manager has been detected on your system.\nIf you want to install this older version of the Scan Manager, please uninstall\nthe currently installed version first. (In most cases, it is recommended that you\nkeep the newer version of Scan Manager.) 40 A previous version of the Caere Scan Manager has been found.\nDo you want to remove this older version from your system and\nautomatically install the newer version? 41 The Setup program cannot continue because you are not logged in with administrator privileges. Please log in with administrator privileges and restart the Setup program.